MsBuild: Get current directory of targets


I have a msbuild target and it has a Import tag like this:

<Import Project="$(MSBuildExtensionsPath)\Company\Company.LifeCycle.targets" />

In contents of Company.LifeCycle.targets file, how can I get programatically the current directory (in this case is: C:\Program Files\MsBuild\Company) ??

I use VS 2008, .NET 3.5

Edit: I have seen the reference, How can I get current directory in msbuild script?, but not valid for me: $(MSBuildProjectDirectory give me this value, C:\Work\Company\Projects\Test001\ProyectSW3

Best Answer

With MSBuild 4 you can use the new property 'MSBuildThisFileDirectory' see my blog If you are not using MSBuild 4, you cannot do this easily.