Multiple key search in CouchDB


Given the following object structure:

   key1: "...",
   key2: "...",
   data: "..."

Is there any way to get this object from a CouchDB by quering both key1 and key2 without setting up two different views (one for each key) like:

select * from ... where key1=123 or key2=123

Kind regards,


Here is a better description of the problem:
The object described above is a serialized game state. A game has exactly one creator user (key1) and his opponent (key2). For a given user I would like to get all games where he is involved (both as creator and opponent).

Best Answer

Emit both keys (or only one if equal):

function(doc) {
  if (doc.hasOwnProperty('key1')) {
    emit(doc.key1, 1);
  if (doc.hasOwnProperty('key2') && doc.key1 !== doc.key2) {
    emit(doc.key2, 1);

Query with (properly url-encoded):


or with multiple values:


UPDATE: updated to query multiple values with a single query.

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