Multiple wsdl and xsd files… into a single wsdl


Probably is a straight-forward question: do you know any tools for combining multiple wsdl + xsd files into a single wsdl?

Thank you.

The service is a WCF service, and I want to have a single wsdl for PHP (as client).

Too bad I need to use .Net 4.0 and not 4.5 where this would be possible. Maybe I could borrow then one of the new MS tools? Do you know which one? Is the svcutil.exe the responsible tool? If yes, what are his dependencies? Because I don't want to jump to .Net 4.5 just yet.

Best Answer

You can build a small application that can generate a flat wsdl. We do generate flat wsdl programatically in C# for building interoperable WCF services. Refer to the link on how to generate flat wsdl.

Hopefully seeing the code you can build a tool that does it for you.

Else you can manually do it using Altova Xml Spy and replacing the xsd import attributes by the xsd schema definition.