MVC5 project template for Visual Studio 2012 studio 2012

I'd like to get started with ASP.NET MVC 5 using Visual Studio 2012. I've installed the "ASP.NET And Web Tools 2013 for Visual Studio 2012, but this "only" gives me an "Empty ASP.NET MVC 5 Project" template.

For MVC4 web projects, I can select different kinds of Web applications (like "Standard", "Internet", "Intranet" etc.). And I've seen screenshots with similar options for Visual Studio 2013.

Are there any project templates (for VS2012) which allow me to do the same for MVC5 applications?

Best Answer

It seems that "currently" there is only included the Empty Project template, and MS officially hasn't released all other templates for VS2012. For ASP.NET MVC 5 you can use the scafolding to add the Controllers, Views etc. This is the same for WebAPI templates.

ASP.NET MVC 5 template
We added a new MVC 5 template. It references the latest MVC 5 NuGet packages, and you can use scaffolding to add controllers and views.

Also see the RELEASE NOTES

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