Mysql – ever choose any other length than 255 for varchar in MySQL


I know the differnce between CHAR and VARCHAR,

CHAR – Fixed length

VARCHAR – Variable length (size + 1 byte)

But I wanted to know what was the purpse of the having the option for a varchar length e.g. VARCHAR(50), VARCHAR(100), VARCHAR(255)

This seems pointless to me because the actual space used depends on the value stored in the database.

So my questions are:

1) It is fine to set all my varchar's to 255
2) Why would you want to specify any other lenght?

Best Answer

1) If you dont want to limit the maximum size of a stored varchar, then yes it is fine. That being said...

2) In many cases you want to set an upper limit for the size of a varchar. Lets say you are storing a mailing list, and have a limited amount of space for an address line. By setting an upper limit for your address field, you now allow the database to enforce a maximum address line length for you.