Mysql – How to find non-ASCII characters in MySQL

character encodingMySQL

I'm working with a MySQL database that has some data imported from Excel. The data contains non-ASCII characters (em dashes, etc.) as well as hidden carriage returns or line feeds. Is there a way to find these records using MySQL?

Best Answer

MySQL provides comprehensive character set management that can help with this kind of problem.

SELECT whatever
  FROM tableName 
 WHERE columnToCheck <> CONVERT(columnToCheck USING ASCII)

The CONVERT(col USING charset) function turns the unconvertable characters into replacement characters. Then, the converted and unconverted text will be unequal.

See this for more discussion.

You can use any character set name you wish in place of ASCII. For example, if you want to find out which characters won't render correctly in code page 1257 (Lithuanian, Latvian, Estonian) use CONVERT(columnToCheck USING cp1257)