Mysql – How tonsert many rows into a MySQL table and return the new IDs


Normally I can insert a row into a MySQL table and get the last_insert_id back. Now, though, I want to bulk insert many rows into the table and get back an array of IDs. Does anyone know how I can do this?

There are some similar questions, but they are not exactly the same. I don't want to insert the new ID to any temporary table; I just want to get back the array of IDs.

Can I retrieve the lastInsertId from a bulk insert?

Mysql mulitple row insert-select statement with last_insert_id()

Best Answer

Old thread but just looked into this, so here goes: if you are using InnoDB on a recent version of MySQL, you can get the list of IDs using LAST_INSERT_ID() and ROW_COUNT().

InnoDB guarantees sequential numbers for AUTO INCREMENT when doing bulk inserts, provided innodb_autoinc_lock_mode is set to 0 (traditional) or 1 (consecutive). Consequently you can get the first ID from LAST_INSERT_ID() and the last by adding ROW_COUNT()-1.