MySQL Joins and Full Text search


Any full-text, MySQL experts out there?

I wrote a question yesterday asking for any suggestions on how to use full-text search with a lot of joins, a bit lazily, I hadn't actually made an attempt.

Since then, I've a had a good attempt at mastering it myself, building a few successful test queries, against my full-text fields. If I do NOT use any joins, and query each field individually, the full-text functions work perfectly and relevance/boolean works great with great performance too… but… as soon as I add my joins to run the full query, it runs forever and ever.

Can anybody spot anything in my query that might cause this to happen, because as an amateur, I really can't see it!


MATCH (people.people) AGAINST ('+sarah +harding' IN BOOLEAN MODE) AS Rel1

FROM photos

LEFT JOIN ( photoPeople INNER JOIN people ON photoPeople.peopleID = people.PeopleID ) 
ON photos.photoID = photoPeople.photoID AND MATCH (people.people) AGAINST ('+sarah +harding' IN BOOLEAN MODE)


photos.photoStatus = 'Live'




This is one of my successful, individual, queries:


MATCH (caption) AGAINST ('+sarah +harding' IN BOOLEAN MODE) AS Relevance

FROM photos


photoStatus = 'Live'


MATCH (caption) AGAINST ('+sarah +harding' IN BOOLEAN MODE)

ORDER BY Relevance

This is the DB schema:

photos (tbl)
photoID             INT(11)         Primary     Auto-Increment
headline            Long-Text
caption             Long-Text / FULLTEXT
dateCreated         DateTime

people (tbl)
peopleID            INT(11)         Primary     Auto-Increment
people              VarChar(255) / FULLTEXT

photoPeople (tbl)
photoID             INT(11)
peopleID            INT(11)

keywords (tbl)
keywordID           INT(11)         Primary     Auto-Increment
keyword             VarChar(255) / FULLTEXT

photoKeyword (tbl)
photoID             INT(11)
keywordID           INT(11)

photoContributor (tbl)
photoID             INT(11)
contributorRef      VarChar(100) / FULLTEXT

And this is my EXPLAIN print out:

id  select_type         table               type        possible_keys       key     key_len     ref     rows
1   SIMPLE              photos              ALL         NULL                NULL        NULL        NULL        89830
1   SIMPLE              photoContributor    ALL         NULL                NULL        NULL        NULL        149635  
1   SIMPLE              photoPeople         ALL         NULL                NULL        NULL        NULL        110606
1   SIMPLE              people              eq_ref      PRIMARY             PRIMARY     4       1   
1   SIMPLE              photoKeyword        ALL         NULL                NULL        NULL        NULL        699102  
1   SIMPLE              keywords            eq_ref      PRIMARY             PRIMARY     4       1

My website visitor should be able to search for:
"Brad Pitt Angelina Jolie Dorchester Hotel Sunglasses @MG" – This should find "Brad Pitt" and "Angelina Jolie" from the 'people.people' table and possibly the 'photos.caption' table too. It should also find "Dorchester Hotel" from the 'photos.caption' table, "Sunglasses" from the 'keywords.keyword' table and lastly, it should find "@MG" in 'photoContributor.contributorRef' table.

Any help on this would be gratefully received…

Best Answer

I suggest using separate smaller queries and using UNION to create a combined result set.

Here is another question with a similar task. Mysql Full text search across more than one table


SELECT "Photos" AS TableName, photoID AS ID, MATCH (caption) AGAINST ('+sarah +harding' IN BOOLEAN MODE) AS Relevance
FROM photos
SELECT "People" AS TableName, peopleID AS ID, MATCH (people) AGAINST ('+sarah +harding' IN BOOLEAN MODE)
FROM people
SELECT "Keyword" AS TableName, keywordID AS ID, MATCH (keyword) AGAINST ('+sarah +harding' IN BOOLEAN MODE)
FROM keyword

I don't really know what data you have but it would produce something like:

Table Name | ID | Relevance

Photos | 1 | 1

Photos | 2 | 0

People | 1 | 1

Keyword | 10 | 1

You can add additional where clauses to suit your needs but this is the basic idea.

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