MySQL Stored Procedure Permissions


I am trying to give a user permission to run a stored procedure at the stored procedure level on a MySQL Database rather than allowing a user to execute any stored procedure in the database. I was trying to execute the following code:

GRANT EXECUTE ON myDB.spName TO 'TestUser'@'localhost';

But i keep getting the following error:

Illegal GRANT/REVOKE command, please consult the manual to see which privileges can be used.

I tried changing it to the following:

GRANT EXECUTE ON PROCEDURE myDB.spName TO 'TestUser'@'localhost';

And i get a different error stating:

Cant find any matching rows in the user table.

I am confused as to where I am going wrong?

Also on the MySQL Workbench I can not seem to see any way to grant permissions at the stored procedure level via the GUI. Is this correct or am I missing something?

Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

Your second attempt is the right approach:

GRANT EXECUTE ON PROCEDURE myDB.spName TO 'TestUser'@'localhost';

but if that is not working, verify ...

a) you (the user from which you are running all these command) have grant rights [i.e WITH GRANT OPTION]. If you are root, then you have grant rights.

b) the user exists to which you are granting execute permission e.g.

 select user from mysql.user where user  like  'test%';

If not, then create the user e.g.

CREATE USER 'TestUser'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'passwordxxxx';
#depending on your needs

Hope this helps :)