Mysql – SubSonic MySQL Version


SubSonic 2.2 requires MySQL Connector This is not included in the download package, nor is it any longer available from the MySQL download site.

I know I can build SubSonic again from source to get around this, but this is a pain.

Can someone on the SubSonic project please change the "Specific Version" flag on the MySQL assembly reference to "false"?

Best Answer

Change the "Specific Version" Attribute isn't a wise solution. The linked version should have passed the subsonic unit tests, so it should be ok. From my own experience I know that mysql sometimes changes the behaviour of the assembly (e.g. a returnvalue 0 or 1 suddenly changes to true/false) that's why we are stuck with an old version (we have no unit test's ;( for our old core)

But if you "tweak" the download link:

you should still be able to download the old connector. If not, you can drop me a line. I still have the msi and the binaries archived.