Mysql – thesql change default character set latin1 to utf8

character encodingmy.cnfMySQLutf-8utf8mb4

I have PHP 5.5.9 and MySQL 5.5.43 Innodb. This is in Kubuntu LTS /etc/mysql/my.cnf

printf("Current character set: %s\n", mysqli_character_set_name($conn));

Current character set: latin1

I've tried

default-character-set = utf8

first but then my mysql server didn't restart

Then I've tried

character-set-server = utf8

then my mysql shell didn't start

How can I rescue this issue? I've managed with
init_connect = 'SET NAMES utf8'
solve the problem for nonroot users, but the charset remains the same (it only displays as nonprivileged users UTF8, it is still Latin1).

And if (a big if) smnd could tell me WHERE should I use utf8mb4? Also in my.cnf file? I had my tables in utf8 and have migrated those with which I am working to utf8mb4 …

Another Q: IS that applicable for Linux (Kubuntu) server:

Please help me, thanks, Gregor from

Best Answer


init_connect is ignored for root connections.

utf8mb4 is effectively a superset of utf8. It is needed for Chinese and the new emoji, plus a scattering of obscure character sets.