Mysql – When is using MySQL BLOB recommended


I'm coding an application that will be uploading and deleting many files, i usually just move the files to a folder in the server naming them with the row unique id. But as i understand MySQL also lets me store binary data (files) when would this be a better choice?.

Please use solid arguments, like When
does using BLOB will mean performance

P.S: I'm using MyISAM if that matters.



Related questions:
Storing Images in DB – Yea or Nay?
To Do or Not to Do: Store Images in a Database (thanks to Sebastian)


Storing the files in the database is
not a need
i'm trying to know when
is this a better idea than storing
them in folders.

Best Answer


which concludes

If you on occasion need to retrieve an image and it has to be available on several different web servers. But I think that's pretty much it.

  • If it doesn't have to be available on several servers, it's always better to put them in the file system.
  • If it has to be available on several servers and there's actually some kind of load in the system, you'll need some kind of distributed storage.