Mysql – Why are composite primary keys still around

database-designMySQLsql server

I'm assigned to migrate a database to a mid-class ERP.
The new system uses composite primary keys here and there, and from a pragmatic point of view, why?

Compared to autogenerated IDs, I can only see negative aspects;

  • Foreign keys becomes blurry
  • Harder migration or db-redesigns
  • Inflexible as business change. (My car has no reg.plate..)
  • Same integrity better achieved with constraints.

It's falling back to the design concept of candiate keys, which I neither see the point of.

Is it a habit/artifact from the floppy-days (minimizing space/indexes), or am I missing something?

Just found good SO-post: Composite primary keys versus unique object ID field

Best Answer

Composite keys are required when your primary keys are non-surrogate and inherently, um, composite, that is, breakable into several non-related parts.

Some real-world examples:

  • Many-to-many link tables, in which the primary keys are composed of the keys of the entities related.

  • Multi-tenant applications when tenant_id is a part of primary key of each entity and the entities are only linkable within the same tenant (constrained by a foreign key).

  • Applications processing third-party data (with already provided primary keys)

Note that logically, all this can be achieved using a UNIQUE constraint (additional to a surrogate PRIMARY KEY).

However, there are some implementation specific things:

  • Some systems won't let a FOREIGN KEY refer to anything that is not a PRIMARY KEY.

  • Some systems would only cluster a table on a PRIMARY KEY, hence making the composite the PRIMARY KEY would improve performance of the queries joining on the composite.