Mysql – Why is GRANT not working in MySQL


I'm scratching my head on this one as I see a ton of helper websites showing how to create MySQL users and grant privileges but for some reason it just does not work for me. I tried on both WinXP and a MacBook Pro laptop with the latest MySQL version installed.

The following is just an example from when I worked with WordPress. The actual database is something different but same issues.

Here are the steps:

mysql> mysql -uroot -p<password>
mysql> CREATE DATABASE wwordpress;
mysql> CREATE USER 'www'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'basic';

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.14 sec)

mysql> GRANT INSERT ON wordpress.* TO 'www'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'basic';

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)


Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.03 sec)

mysql> SELECT * FROM mysql.user WHERE User='www' \G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
                 Host: localhost
                 User: www
             Password: *E85C94AF0F09C892339D31CF7570A970BCDC5805
          Select_priv: N
          Insert_priv: N
          Update_priv: N
          Delete_priv: N
          Create_priv: N
            Drop_priv: N
          Reload_priv: N
        Shutdown_priv: N
         Process_priv: N
            File_priv: N
           Grant_priv: N
      References_priv: N
           Index_priv: N
           Alter_priv: N
         Show_db_priv: N
           Super_priv: N
Create_tmp_table_priv: N
     Lock_tables_priv: N
         Execute_priv: N
      Repl_slave_priv: N
     Repl_client_priv: N
     Create_view_priv: N
       Show_view_priv: N
  Create_routine_priv: N
   Alter_routine_priv: N
     Create_user_priv: N
           Event_priv: N
         Trigger_priv: N
        max_questions: 0
          max_updates: 0
      max_connections: 0
 max_user_connections: 0
1 row in set (0.00 sec)


As you can see "Insert_priv: N" should be "Y".

Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

What you are selecting are the global privileges. You are however giving database (and host, but that doesn't matter) specific privileges.

GRANT INSERT ON wordpress.* TO 'www'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'basic';

These permissions are stored in the db table.

Just to point you in the right direction:

SHOW GRANTS FOR 'www'@'localhost'