.NET 3.5 optimizations after converting from 2.0 to 3.5


I converted our project from .NET 2.0 to 3.5 and am looking for optimizations that can be done utilizing 3.5 framework. What are some of the things I can do with 3.5 as in Datastructures. Also any suggestions in using DataAccess apart from LINQ to SQL.
Any suggestions/pointers would be great. I am not looking at any specific optimization, just a general . I am also using VB.NET 🙁

Best Answer

This link pretty much gives you all of the new VB 9.0 features at a glance:


  • Implicitly Typed Local Variables
  • Object and Array Initializers
  • Anonymous Types
  • Deep XML Support
  • Query Comprehensions Extension
  • Methods and Lambda Expressions
  • Nullable Types
  • Relaxed Delegates