.net – Best practices for .NET/MONO cross compiling


What are the best practices for writing code that can be cross compiled on .NET (windows) and Mono (linux)? Although I am very familiar with .NET, I am not that experienced in Mono and all its gotchas. Has anyone seen a good blog post or best practices paper on this, which I have not been able to dig up? I would be sticking with C# 3.0 level features.

Things that concern me is first of all Interop, since I would need to call some native code.
Next would be the best ways to handle namespaces such as Mono.XXX. Should I be using a bunch of #if? Isolate the code in per-platform assemblies?

Any suggestions regarding architecture and design would be greatly appreciated!
If you have had any experience in cross compiling for Linux/Mono in visual studio (any version), I would also be interested in that.

Best Answer

The biggest issues are sticking to the Mono-supported APIs. Using the Visual Studio Integration support in Mono can help a lot with this, since you can target Mono the entire time, on all platforms.

For your specific questions:

1) Interop - You'll need to stick to P/Invoke. Try to isolate this into separate, platform specific assemblies. This leads to 2:

2) Using #if - I would avoid this, and prefer to use an extensibility model. Mono supports the Managed Extensibility Framework, which provides a good way to "plug in" platform specific code at runtime.

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