.net – difference between windows installer 3.1 and 4.5 While creating SetUP Project, which one to select when


I am Creating SetUp Project for Win App. in VS2010 Framework 4.0

Now While selecting Prerequisites ( from Project properties win )

I have Microsoft .NET Framework 4 (x86 and x64) as per my project Requirement.

Now I am confused with Wind Installer which one to select

(Windows Installer 3.1 / Windows Installer 4.5 )

As are they Base on which OS the Application will be install or ….What ..?

Best Answer

Different OSes have different Windows Installer versions installed by default. See Released Versions of Windows Installer.

If you plan to deploy your apps to Windows XP or Windows 2003 Server, choose Windows Installer 3.1, and if you plan to deploy to Vista or Windows 7 only, version 4.5 could be a better choice.