.net – Dynamically loading assemblies and their dependents using XCOPY deployment


I have an application loader that dynamically loads applications.
An application is an assembly with all of its dependents in a single folder.
Using XCOPY deployment I can add/remove applications by copying/deleting a folder.
To facilitate standard .NET assembly binding I copy the application folders under the bin of the loader.
I set the probing privatePath in the config file and everything works like a charm.

The applications uses a framework, i.e. shared assemblies as dependents.

Now I have a requirement that states that each application has to be able to use its own version of the framework.

This works perfectly when I install the framework versions in the GAC, and the different versions of the assembly are loaded into the default AppDomain just fine.

Now I want to get back to my XCOPY solution and copy the correct framework versions in their corresponding application folders and the solution breaks.

The first application referencing its framework works fine, the second complains about not finding the assembly and the manifests not matching.

It's as if the .NET loader stops probing after a first match of the assembly with a folder in "privatePath" and does not look any further.

Any ideas on how to have the same behavior as when using the GAC?
Anything else I could specify in config, codeBase? (no absolute file paths please).


Best Answer

According to this article on Assemblies:

You should also remember that the CLR looks through a predetermined sequence of directories during probing. Given a privatePath value of MyAssemblies, the CLR will now probe for an assembly named MyLibrary in the following order:


The sequence of file paths in which the CLR probes for an assembly file is important because the probing process stops once the CLR locates an assembly file with the correct file name. If you deploy an application along with one version of MyLibrary.dll in the ApplicationBase directory and a second version in the subdirectory MyAssemblies, which DLL file will the CLR load? You should see that the CLR is going to load the DLL in the ApplicationBase directory because that is always the first directory searched by the CLR during the probing process.


Check this post. It deals with more or less the same problem you're having.