.net – Has anbody used Boo and can you comment on your experiences


I'm looking for a groovy equivalent on .NET

So far Boo looks interesting, but it is statically typed, yet does include some of the metaprogramming features I'd be looking for.

Can anyone comment on the experience of using Boo and is it worth looking into for more than hobby purposes at a 1.0 Version?

Edit: Changed BOO to Boo

Best Answer

I've been using Boo quite a lot lately. It's very flexible and very powerful. The metaprogramming works well, but it's not nearly as easy to use as Nemerle's. In addition, the lack of arbitrary expression nesting (e.g. def foo = if(bar) match(baz) { ... } else 0;) makes certain things harder than it has to be, but that's not something you're going to miss unless you're coming from Nemerle, OCaml, Haskell, or something along those lines.

Overall, I'd say give it a shot. I don't think you'll be disappointed.