.net – How to deploy a hotfix in a ClickOnce application


I recently discoverd that there is a bug in the dutch .Net assembly that effectively breaks NavigationWindows on dutch vista SP1 or higher. See for details this link

A hotfix is available, but how can I distribute this with my ClickOnce application? I am appalled that this situation, that seems to be known since february, has not been remedied. I am also puzzled: any dutch vista computer running SP1 or higher will crash on a wpf Navigation apllication, so there should be more outcry about it. Is no one writing Navigation Programs?

Best Answer

I don't think there is any way to deploy a hotfix as part of a ClickOnce application as it would violate the entire idea of click once. That is to be a zero impact installation environment.

What you could do though, is add a section to your program which checks for the particular flaw and then pops up a message box / form, requesting the user to deploy a particular hot fix. Including a link should make the process pretty straight forward. Not an ideal solution but it should help to alleviate your particular problem.