.net – How to get the VID and PID of all USB devices connected to the system in .net


In a C#.net console application, what code can i write to print on the screen the VID and PID of each USB device connected to the system?

Best Answer

Here's some code I've written based on what I've found so far. There may be a better way to do this.

    public static void MyMethod()
        System.Management.ManagementClass USBClass = new ManagementClass("Win32_USBDevice");                
        System.Management.ManagementObjectCollection USBCollection = USBClass.GetInstances();

        foreach (System.Management.ManagementObject usb in USBCollection)
            string deviceId = usb["deviceid"].ToString();

            int vidIndex = deviceId.IndexOf("VID_");
            string startingAtVid = deviceId.Substring(vidIndex + 4); // + 4 to remove "VID_"                    
            string vid = startingAtVid.Substring(0, 4); // vid is four characters long
            Console.WriteLine("VID: " + vid);

            int pidIndex = deviceId.IndexOf("PID_");
            string startingAtPid = deviceId.Substring(pidIndex + 4); // + 4 to remove "PID_"                    
            string pid = startingAtPid.Substring(0, 4); // pid is four characters long
            Console.WriteLine("PID: " + pid);                                        
