.net – IIS 7.5 always returns 404


Using IIS 7.5 on Windows 2008 R2.
Trying to deploy .NET 4.5 websites. All site files exist in the physical paths and all websites are under 'Default web Site' with the app pool set to ASP.NET v4.0. Authentication is anonymous. Sites have been converted to applications. However, when I try to access the sites locally or remotely I get the '404 file not found' error and cannot figure out why.

Note: this server has never hosted any sites before, and we just installed .NET 4.0 & 4.5 before deploying.

Any suggestions are much appreciated!

Best Answer

The IIS ( concrete the IIS-Worker process) needs the appropriate rights to access the directories. Click here for details IIS AppPoolIdentity and file system write access permissions

You can also run some diagnostic checks in the IIS-console.

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