.net – listview with multiple imagelist and icons/image


i need a way to use two imagelist on a listview. one of the image list if for header icons which contain 16×16 icons, and another will contains 32×32 thumbnail pictures within the sub items.

The image below shows what am trying to do

listview with hearder icons and thumbnail

Best Answer

i found a trick which solves the issue. the trick is to create a 16x16 icon on a 32x32 canvas and center it. this is because the thumbnail size is 32bit max. so i have one image list for 16pix isonc and another for 32pix icons

when thumbnail is needed, i only need to set the small icons to 32pix.

this support built it i only had to do this

' for the header columns
Set ListView1.ColumnHeaderIcons = ImageList1
' for the items and sub items
Set ListView1.SmallIcons = ImageList2

thanks for all your inputs