.net – NUnit, is it possible to continue executing test after Assert fails

netnunitunit testing

In a test that contains some asserts, for example:


is it possible to let the test keep running after it fails at some point? In the example, first condition is true, second fails and the test stops. I'd like to evaluate also the following condition.

Best Answer

I prefer to be practical and put several related assertions in one method.

I have a helper class which enables the following syntax (I use):

    () => Assert.AreEqual("bb", id.Context),
    () => Assert.AreEqual("abc", id.FullName),
    () => Assert.AreEqual("b", id.SessionID));

which gives me error messages like this:

Assert.AreEqual failed. Expected:<bb>. Actual:<b\c>. 
Assert.AreEqual failed. Expected:<abc>. Actual:<[b\c]a{103}>. 
at FXP_COM.Tests.EnumToStringConverterterTests.<>c__DisplayClass3.<ShouldConvert>b__0() in UnitTest1.cs: line 31
at FXP_COM.Tests.AssertAll.Succeed(Action[] assertions) in UnitTest1.cs: line 46 at FXP_COM.Tests.AssertAll.Succeed(Action[] assertions) in UnitTest1.cs: line 62
at FXP_COM.Tests.EnumToStringConverterterTests.ShouldConvert() in UnitTest1.cs: line 30

and the helper class is the following:

using System;
using NUnit.Framework;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;

public static class AssertAll
    public static void Succeed(params Action[] assertions)
        var errors = new List<Exception>();

        foreach (var assertion in assertions)
            catch (Exception ex)

        if (errors.Any())
            var ex = new AssertionException(
                string.Join(Environment.NewLine, errors.Select(e => e.Message)),

            // Use stack trace from the first exception to ensure first
            // failed Assert is one click away
            ReplaceStackTrace(ex, errors.First().StackTrace);

            throw ex;

    static void ReplaceStackTrace(Exception exception, string stackTrace)
        var remoteStackTraceString = typeof(Exception)
                BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);

        remoteStackTraceString.SetValue(exception, stackTrace);
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