.net – NUnit.Runners via Nuget on Visual Studio 2012 express doesn’t work

netnugetnunitvisual studio 2012

I'm trying to set up simple NUnit project in Visual Studio 2012 Express using NuGet manager.
From PROJECT-> Manage NuGet Packages I installed NUnit (framework) and wanted add NUnit.Runner but during installation I'm receiving:

'NUnit.Runners 2.6.2' already installed.

Ok, but when I go to the TOOLS->Library Package Manager->Manage nuGet Packages for Solution
both NUnit (framework) and NUnit.Runners are displayed as installed.

I can use NUnit framework in the code but when I'm trying to run tests the old 'Test Explorer' stays and doesn't show anything. Tests are not invoked neither.

Am I missing something in VS2012 or NUnit configuration?

Best Answer

As I've found out Visual Studio Express does not support project extensions (forbidden and disabled by Microsoft). So it seems there's no option to use NUnit without some workarounds. So far I installed full version and there NUnit runner works as expected.