.net – Oracle.DataAccess.dll’ targeting ‘AMD64’ is not compatible with the project’s target platform ‘x86’ when creating a msi package


I am getting the following error when i build the MSI Package.

Oracle.DataAccess.dll' targeting 'AMD64' is not compatible with the project's target platform 'x86' when creating a msi package

My environment is.

1. Visual studio 2008, oracle 64 bit client.
2. i even made the target platform to be AnyCpu.

Note: It Works fine for X86

Any solutions or workarounds to make it work.

Best Answer

You need to get the x86 oracle client, then you can use all x86 components. Or you need to fix the compile to compile in x64, then you can use all x64 components.

Or you could try setting the importing of dependencies to off within msi, which might work, but I don't recommend it.

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