.net – Target framework dropdown empty

netvisual studio 2010

I have VS.NET 2010 Premium installed, but there seems to be an issue when trying to target existing .NET frameworks. When I open properties for a web application project, the only option I get is to install a framework. If I open properties for any other project type I get the full list.

So far I've done the following to no avail:

  • Repaired and re-installed Microsoft.NET Framework 4 Client Profile
  • Repaired and re-installed Microsoft.NET Framework 4 Extended
  • Repaired and re-installed Microsoft.NET Framework 4 Multi-Targeting Pack
  • Repaired and re-installed VS.NET 2010 Premium
  • Reapplied and re-installed VS.NET 2010 SP1.

I did find one question on that appear to be related related, but there were no answers unfortunately.

Visual Studio 2010 "No Target Framework"

Any ideas?

Best Answer

I have had this issue as well across a number of different machines and have had to rediscover the answer each time!

The solution that has worked consistently for me is to change the Environment variables on the machine for the User Variables "TEMP" and "TMP". I repoint both of these variables to "c:\Temp" rather than the default location which includes your user name (with apostrophe) in the path.

enter image description here

After struggling through each Visual Studio setting related to account specific paths (Projects, Templates, etc.) this has been the only change I have needed to make to fix the problem.

Matt O'Brien

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