.net – Unable to install or run the application: Click Once


I published my .net application using ClickOnce, and all my users get the following error message on trying to open the program:

"Unable to install or run the application. The application requires that assembly Telerik.Windows.Data Version 2012.1.215.40 be installed in the Global Assembly Cache (GAC) first".

The version I actually use in my application is NEWER than the one mentioned in the error message. I also don't have this problem on my machine which I use to develop the application. I wonder why it is looking for the older version of the dll. I can't find where it is referenced by my application.

Could you please help me on this?

Best Answer

I found solution here:


Excerpt from wordpress link:

I recevied this error while compiling my first C# production application. I had to do the following in Visual Studio for the project:

  1. In Solution Explorer, expand the References node and click the assembly listed in the error. Ensure Copy Local in the Properties grid is set to ‘True’.
  2. In the properties of the project, Publish | Application Files Tab, ensure the Publish Status for the assembly listed in the error is set to ‘Include’