.net – Updating nuget packages in all projects in a solution


I have a .net solution (say A) with multiple projects(say B,C,D). I want to update all nuget packages for all projects in the solution. I know I can update nuget packages using command line but passing in the path to packages.config

nuget update A/B/packages.config

Is there a way to update packages for all packages.configs inside folder A using command line without having to specify them individually? (I know this can be done from inside visual studio.)
Something like

nuget update A/*/packages.config

Best Answer

As found in NuGet documentation, you can type:


This will :

Update all packages in all projects of the current solution to the latest versions.

To open the Package Manager Console:

Tools > NuGet Package Manager > Package Manager Console

Now, in order to have only one instance of all packages, I have, in my solution folder, a file named nuget.config that contains:

    <add key="repositoryPath" value="..\Path\To\My\Packages" />

You might need to reload your solution in order to make it work properly.