.net – Viewstate does not persist after postback


I'm having some problems in persisting the viewstate on postback for a Control (vb.net)

here's some code i've put in my control:

Protected Overrides Sub OnInit(ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
            Me.EnableViewState = True
            Me.ViewStateMode = System.Web.UI.ViewStateMode.Enabled
            If Not Page.IsPostBack Then
                _SortTime = DateTime.Now
                _SortTime.AddSeconds(-10) ' incase the fileserver and webserver date are out of sync
                ViewState("PageLoadTimeStamp") = _SortTime      
            End If
        End Sub


Protected Overrides Sub OnLoad(ByVal e As System.EventArgs)

        _SortTime = CType(ViewState("PageLoadTimeStamp"), DateTime)

End Sub

But on every postback, the viewstate is empty again.

Update: What do i want to do?
I want to store the time when the user first loads the page. Then, the user will do multiple postbacks. On every postback i need to know that time.

Update 2: Context:

  • An aspx page (Editor.aspx) will load a web control (ObjectsEditor.ascx) dynamicly
  • ObjectsEditor.ascx contains of a single custom control (Objects.vb)
  • Objects.vb will create another custom control (ObjectsContainer.vb) and add it to it's controls
    It is the ObjectsContainer that needs to persist the viewstate.

I'm setting EnableViewState = "true" everywhere i can, but still no result. Do i really need to set those properties here. (ViewStateMode and EnableViewState) If not, where should i handle this and what is the difference between those properties?

Many thanks.

Best Answer

I see some correct answers here, but I don't see any detailed explanations, so I figured I would chime in:

ASP.NET has a fairly complicated request/response life-cycle. Each cycle runs through a set of events such as Init, Load, etc.. According to this article, and specifically this image, there is a method called TrackViewState() that executes after the Init event but before InitComplete event. This means that any changes to ViewState will not be persisted (tracked) if they are made in the Init event like the OP has done.

There is an additional method called LoadViewState() that takes the ViewState data that was posted via the __VIEWSTATE form value and loads it into the current ViewState collection. This executes after the InitComplete event but before the PreLoad event. Meaning that values already set to ViewState before LoadViewState() executes will likely be overwritten.

Now, knowing when these 2 events occur, and knowing the ViewState persistence methods that execute before and after them, we can deduce that the earliest event where it is safe to set ViewState values is the PreLoad event. Values set earlier than this event will likely be overwritten and thus not persisted.

So, to answer your question, set your ViewState value in the OnPreLoad() method or do as others have suggested and do it in the OnLoad() method and your values should be persisted.

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