.net – Visual Studio 2010 .NET framework 3.5 unavailable

.net-4.0netvisual studio 2010visual-studio-2008

I have installed Visual Studio 2010 Professional, and despite my tremendous urge to work on it since it is pleasing to the eye, it seems not to support .NET framework 3.5/3.0.

Therefore, I have switched to Visual Studio 2008 rather relunctantly.

How do I add .NET framework 3.0/3.5 to the top right combo box within the make new project?

(Note: In the top right combo box within the make new project, I have only .NET framework 4.0 available.)

Best Answer

It should just work absolutely fine - but it depends on the project type. Are you trying to create a Silverlight 4 project or something else that relies on .NET 4?

Try just creating a console application - it should definitely offer .NET 3.5.

I assume you have .NET 3.5 installed?