.net – Visual Studio 2012 Express and .NET 2.0

netvisual studio

My installation of VS 2012 Express doesn't show .NET Framework 2.0 when I create a new project. I know that 2.0 is supported on VS 2012 but it doesn't show up in the menu as shown below.

New Project Screenshot

When I create a project with one of the available options (4.0/4.5) and then change it back to 2.0, it gives loads of errors on build.

Is there any way to make VS 2012 to show older versions in the menu?

Best Answer

It sounds like you need to download the targeting pack for 2.0. This page lists the targeting packs available for VS 2012; it looks like it's just a matter of downloading the .NET 3.5 SP1 runtime pack, which should then enable .NET 2, 3 and 3.5 targets.

EDIT: I've just noticed that you're using Express. I don't know whether targeting packs work the same way with the Express edition, but I'd at least give it a try.