.net – VS.NET 2003 and VS.NET 2008 co-existence


I was in the process of converting a VS2003 project (.NET 1.1) to VS2008 (.NET 2.0) and had converted all the C# (easy enough). I got a new machine and did the C# conversion on VS2008. We had a C++ layer that wasn't working under .NET 2.0 because of some memory protection issues.

The C++ layer was pretty old and was written by some sub-contractors years ago – its not great code…

My old machine had an install of VS 2003 with our C/C++ layer (that talked to Visibroker) I hadn't finished converting the C parts when the hard disk on that machine crashed.

I haven't got time to fix the .NET 2.0 conversion of the C++ bit so still need to build under VS 2003.

Question is: Can I install VS 2003 after VS2008? Will it mess things up? Installing it in a VM isn't an option because of company policy.


Best Answer

I was in the same situation some time ago and installed VS 2003 on a (virtual) PC that had VS 2008 already installed. Unfortunately I don't remember whether I had done a "Repair" of the VS 2008 installation after installing VS 2003, but I think it just worked.