.net – Why are many ports of languages to .net prefixed with ‘Iron’


Was discussing over lunch why several ports of languages to the .net framework are prefixed with 'Iron'.


  • IronPython
  • IronRuby
  • IronLisp
  • IronScheme
  • IronPHP

Anyone out there know?

(language list sourced from http://www.dotnetpowered.com/languages.aspx)

Best Answer

IronPython came first and the rest followed. As for why IronPython is called IronPython, Jim Hugunin goes into that in this video (at about 14:00). He says it was partly to avoid calling it Language.NET or Language#, and the idea is that Iron languages are:

  • True language implementations

    • True to the language
    • True to the community
    • True to the experience
    • Excellent performance
  • Great integration with .NET

    • Easy to use .NET libraries
    • Easy to use other .NET languages
    • Easy to use in .NET hosts
    • Easy to use with .NET tools

And a slightly specious acronym explanation, which came after the name:

Implementation Running On .NET.