Node.js – Authentication error on publishing to private NPM repository on Nexus


I am having authentication problem when publishing to my private npm registry hosted on my private Nexus.

My Nexus setup is I have npm-proxy, npm-registry (hosted npm with allowRepublish=false), npm-snapshots (hosted npm with allowRepublish=true) and npm-public (group with all other three repositories).

Since I am developing a library, I am using my snapshot repository, so I can redeploy same version constantly (something like snapshot in maven world).

In my library project I have set this option in package.json

"publishConfig": {
    "registry": ""

Next, I created .npmrc file with following content:


And with this setup I can publish project with no problem. However, what bothers me, is that I have my password (which is just base64 encoded) stored in file, that should be commited, but I can't commit it, due to credentials in it.

I have tried to instead login to npm registry and removed the auth line from .npmrc
npm adduser --registry= --always-auth

I got response Logged in as myusername on

However, when I try to run npm publish I get:

npm ERR! code E401
npm ERR! Unable to authenticate, need: BASIC realm="Sonatype Nexus Repository Manager"
npm verb exit [ 1, true ]
npm timing npm Completed in 6867ms

npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
npm ERR!     C:\Users\XXXX\AppData\Roaming\npm-cache\_logs\2019-07-30T19_31_01_598Z-debug.log

Now in my other project (which is using this library), I simply created .npmrc file with content registry= and run command npm adduser --registry= --always-auth and I was able to download the published package.

However, the publish still won't work and I don't know why.

EDIT 31.7.2019: On my list of active realms I also have npm Bearer Token Realm

Best Answer

When you do npm login or npm adduser the NPM client creates an authentication token that will be used in future request to the registry. Default NXRM configuration allows only Local Authenticating Realm which doesn't recognise NPM's token. Please make sure you have npm Bearer Token Realm active.

enter image description here

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