Node.js – Issue with res.redirect in middleware


I'm trying to use a authenticateUser() middleware before loading all of my pages. Instead of including it in each call (as in app.get('/', authenticateUser, function()…)), I tried setting it with app.use(authenticateUser) right before calling app.use(app.router).

This didn't work, however. authenticateUser is basically:

if (req.session.loginFailed) {
else {
    if (req.session.user_id) {
        if (userAuthenticated) {
        } else {
            req.session.loginFailed = true;
            console.log('setting loginFailed to true');

And then in app.get('/login') I set req.session.loginFailed to be false;

This should work, but I only want to call it on an app.get() or etc. for one of my actual pages. I think its getting called lots of times for many different requests (because upon loading one page, 'setting loginFailed to true' is called many times)

Is there a better way to do this? Or should I simply be calling it before every page on my site?

Best Answer

You are doing way too many checks out there in my opinion. Only one route should handle user login (check for user & pass, and store the username in the session if succeeded) and you should assign the auth middleware only on the routes that require auth (not all).

I've put up a simplified example so you can understand my point:

The login route'/login', function (req, res) {
  var variables_set = (req.body.user && req.body.pass);
  if (variables_set && (req.body.user === 'username') && (req.body.pass === 'password')) {
    req.session.username = req.body.user;
  } else {

The auth middleware

if (!req.session.username) {
} else {

You can see a more complete example in action in Alex Young's Nodepad application: (tutorials for that app here: )