Node.js – Running Node app through Grunt


I am trying to run my Node application as a Grunt task. I need to spawn this as a child process, however, to allow me to run the watch task in parallel.

This works:

grunt.registerTask('start', function () {
    { cmd: 'node'
    , args: ['app.js']

However, when changes are detected by the watch task, this will trigger the start task again. Before I spawn another child process of my Node app, I need to kill the previous one.

I can't figure out how to kill the process, however. Something like this does not work:

var child

grunt.registerTask('start', function () {
  if (child) child.kill()
  child = grunt.util.spawn(
    { cmd: 'node'
    , args: ['app.js']

It appears that:

  1. Even though I store the spawned process in a variable outside of the function context, it does not persist, so the next time the start task is run, child is undefined.
  2. child has no kill function…

Best Answer

Take a look at grunt-nodemon which handles a lot of the headaches related to spawning a child process.