Node.js – Visual Studio 2017 – Node.JS Server Process – Turn off

I'm working on a ASP.NET App in Visual Studio 2017 and I'm noticing a Node.JS: Server-side Javascript process running at 1.3GB to 1.8GB of memory. My IIS worker process is the normal size it is in VS 2015.

My app doesn't include any Node.JS libraries. I'm not able to figure out how to turn this Node.JS: Server-side Javascript process off. It's eating up too much memory for something I have no use for.

Is there a way to kill this aside from uninstalling VS 2017 and switching back to VS 2015?

enter image description here

Killing the main Process in Task Manager doesn't affect anything in VS, however if I go to the Details tab and kill the the individual running processes it crashes Visual Studio. I took a video of what happened after I killed the process and ran my local web page (Sorry for the quality, SO limited image size to 2MB):

enter image description here

Best Answer

Tools > Options > Text Editor > JavaScript/TypeScript > Language Service...

Uncheck 'Enable the new JavaScript language service'.

Restart Visual Studio

This appears to prevent the NodeJS process from starting.