Objective-C and Windows

cocoaideobjective c

I am currently in a class that is developing applications in Objective-C and Cocoa. I was wondering if there was any way to build and compile Objective-C applications on Windows Vista. During class, we are able to use the Mac machines provided to us, but I was hoping to do some work outside of class, and I only have a Windows Vista machine available to me. I have installed GNUStep. I am looking for a GUI or an IDE that I could use. I have Eclipse, and I tried to install ObjectivEClipse, but that is only for a Mac machine too. Any other suggestions? Thanks.

Best Answer

The compiler is no problem, since gcc includes an Objectve-C frontend. You could simply install Cygwin and use it. the issue is about libraries.

The Cocoa system is very Apple proprietary; but it's a descendant from NeXTStep. For a while (when NeXT was even deeper in debts than Apple) it was named OpenStep, and available as a shell around the NT kernel. Around that time, the GNUStep project was started, and it seems it's still there.

Note, however, that any xxStep libraries gives only a NeXT-like GUI, very different from modern macs. Also, a lot of the newer capabilities are not only new GUI; but new APIs too and these won't be found there.

in short... it's easier to go with a mac.