Objective-c – GCDAsyncSocket – not receiving data – AsyncSocket works ok

asyncsocketiphoneobjective csockets

I made an iPhone client connect to a server using GCDAsyncSocket. The server is running .Net on a Windows server. The connect is good and it sends data well too.

I then tell the client to go into receive directly after the send…

[sock readDataToData:[GCDAsyncSocket LFData] withTimeout:15 tag:1]; 

I also have this set up to receive:

- (void)onSocket:(GCDAsyncSocket *)sock didReadData:(NSData *)data 

and also:

   - (NSTimeInterval)socket:(GCDAsyncSocket *)sock shouldTimeoutReadWithTag:(long)tag 

If I wait for the time out the time out method is called.

If I send data from the server, the timeout is not called, so I assume
the client has seen something, but there is no indication of that on
the client side.

I also added:

- (void)socket:(GCDAsyncSocket *)sock didReadPartialDataOfLength: (NSUInteger)partialLength tag:(long)tag 

hoping I would see a partial packet but this does not get triggered

As I mentioned above the timeout does not trigger if I send
something from the server to the client. However I would have thought
it would also timeout if it hasn't received the terminator
character. I also tried reading with a length of 3 but that didnt
make any difference.

The GCDAsyncSocket is the the problem. AsyncSocket seems to work ok.

Maybe its the init is wrong?

dispatch_queue_t mainQueue = dispatch_get_main_queue();

asyncSocket = [[GCDAsyncSocket alloc] initWithDelegate:self delegateQueue:mainQueue]

Any ideas what I did wrong?

I put a post on the goggle code for this but there isnt any activity so not sure if I will get an answer or not.

Ideally if anyone has a sample code that the receives works that would be great! thank you!

Best Answer

Maybe there was something wrong with the spelling. (So this happened to me and I was searching for hours until I've seen the small difference)

GCDAsyncSocket renamed all delegate callbacks from onSocket to socket to match Apples naming style.

In your example above you have mentioned

- (void)onSocket:(GCDAsyncSocket *)sock didReadData:(NSData *)data withTag:(long)tag 

rename it to

- (void)socket:(GCDAsyncSocket *)sock didReadData:(NSData *)data withTag:(long)tag 

This should resolve that problem.

And in my code I've had another problem, too. Be sure the object, which calls GCDAsyncSocket, is still alive while you are connecting. GCDAsyncSockets delegate is a weak reference to your object. And because its async, the delegate can become zero (autorelease, or the instance was created inside a method which is already left) while the socket is responding. As result it appears to not be called, but the class which started the socket is already deallocated from memory. This happens especially if you are using ARC together with GCDAsyncSocket.

Hope this helps

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