Objective-c – How to create a count down timer for cocos2d

cocos2d-iphoneiphoneobjective c

I am developing a 2D iPhone game by using cocos2d. I need a countdown timer. How can I create a count down timer in cocos2d?

Best Answer

Not enough rep to upvote Tom, but he's absolutely right. Within the context of this question, NSTimer is the WRONG solution. The Cocos2d framework provides a scheduler that integrates with other game features like Pause/Resume (and most likely uses NSTimer under the hood).

Example from the above link:

-(id) init
    if( ! [super init] )
        return nil;

    // schedule timer
    [self schedule: @selector(tick:)];
    [self schedule: @selector(tick2:) interval:0.5];

    return self;

-(void) tick: (CCTime) dt
    // bla bla bla

-(void) tick2: (CCTime) dt
    // bla bla bla