Objective-c – How to draw a line with Cocos2d-iPhone

cocoa-touchcocos2d-iphoneiphoneobjective c

I'm trying to get to grips with Cocos2d by trying to accomplish simple things. At this point, I have a scene, that scene has a background sprite, and a Layer. I'm trying to draw onto the Layer using drawLine. Here's my current attempt.

@implementation MyLayer
    self = [super init];
    if(self != nil){
        glColor4f(0.8, 1.0, 0.76, 1.0);  
        CocosNode *line = drawLine(10.0f, 100.0f,400.0f,27.0f);
        [self addChild:line z:1];
    return self;

Which generates the error "void value not ignored as it ought to be". So obviously I'm doing it wrong, but hopefully you can see my reasoning.

I've also tried this

    self = [super init];
    if(self != nil){
        glColor4f(0.8, 1.0, 0.76, 1.0);  
        drawLine(10.0f, 100.0f,400.0f,27.0f);
    return self;

Which doesn't give me an error, but it doesn't work either. I realise I'm not understanding something fundamental, but can anyone steer me in the right direction?

Best Answer

From the cocos2d drawPrimitivesTest.m:

- (void)draw {
  // ...

  // draw a simple line
  // The default state is:
  // Line Width: 1
  // color: 255,255,255,255 (white, non-transparent)
  // Anti-Aliased
  ccDrawLine( ccp(0, 0), ccp(s.width, s.height) );

  // ...