Objective-c – How to move UITextView correction suggestion above text

cocoa-touchiphoneobjective cuitextview

I'm using a UITextView to roughly replicate the SMS text box above the keyboard. I'm using a UITextView instead of a field so that it can expand with multiple lines.

The problem is that, in my UITextView, the correction suggestions pop up below the text, causing them to be partially obscured by the keyboard.

In the SMS app, the suggestions pop up above the text. The placement does not appear to be a property of UITextView, or UITextInputTraits.

Any idea how to replicate this behavior? Thanks!

Best Answer

The problem is that the Keyboard is implemented as a separate UIWindow, rather than as a view within the main UIWindow, so layout with it is tricky. Here are some pointers in the right direction:

  • Hunt through the application's -windows property to find the private UITextEffectsWindow window and figure out its frame. This is the keyboard
  • Hunt through the TextView's subviews to find the private UIAutocorrectInlinePrompt view. This is the autocorrect bubble.
  • Move that subview into a separate wrapper view (added to the TextView) and then move that wrapper view so it's above the above-mentioned keyboard window.

You'll notice two mentions of "private" above. That carries all the relevant caveats. I have no idea why Apple has allowed the problem to persist when even their apps have had to work around it.