Objective-c – How to post message to Facebook wall from the iPhone SDK

facebookiphoneobjective c

I am new to iPhone. My application connects to Facebook using the iPhone SDK, and I can post a default message using


but in my application all messages display on tableview and I want to post the selected message on the wall of Facebook, store selected message in a Twitter message (variable twittermessage) and write


But it gives the following error.

statically instance of Objective-C

I used the iPhone Facebook SDk from How To Post on Facebook with your iPhone App.

Best Answer

the error message you are getting is due to NSString. this is not an facebook error.

In order to post a message on facebook use the following code

[NSString stringwithFormat:@"http://www.facebook.com/connect/prompt_feed.php/?message=%@",twittermessage];

Then use this string as a reference for the URL to post a message