Objective-c – iPhone XCode – How to change title below app icon

cocoaiphoneobjective cxcode

What is the best way to rename the app so that the title below the app icon can have spaces but the build files doesn't have spaces. (ie, title is "My Project" and build file is MyProject.app)

I changed PRODUCT_NAME but when I do that the app file also contains spaces.

Renaming all the fields seems to work fine except I can't find EXECUTABLE_NAME which is the default value for "Executable file".

Thank you,

Best Answer

The field that you have to change is the Bundle Display Name (CFBundleDisplayName is the raw key name) in the info.plist file from ${PRODUCT_NAME} to 'your desired name'.

Note: CFBundleDisplayName is different from CFBundleName. CFBundleDisplayName is the human visible/marketing name displayed on the device home screen, under the icon etc. While CFBundleName is the filename of the IPA and the folder for the app on the file system, 'Whatever' for example would be archived as Whatever.ipa and the app would be installed on a device under the folder called Whatever.app.