Objective-c – Is an NSMutableString in this case more efficient than NSString

cocoa-touchiphoneobjective c

If I declare a pointer variable in this fashion:

NSString *foo;

And then somewhere later in my code do something such as:

foo = @"bar";

Is that ultimately taking my NSString, creating a new copy in memory with an additional string, then deleting my initial string? Would foo be better off as an NSMutableString?

Best Answer

No, foo is variable holding a pointer to an NSString. The assignment foo = @"bar" sets the value stored by the pointer foo to the address of the NSString @"bar". There is no copy made. If foo already pointed to an other NSString instance that was not a string constsant (i.e. like @"bar") and there are no other references to that instance, then you have a memory leak. You would

[foo release];
foo = @"bar";

in that case. You do not need to retain or release string constants like @"bar".

String constants cannot be mutated, so you will get a runtime error if you try to modify the value of a constant string. There's no difference between assigning @"bar" to an NSString* vs an NSMutableString*. Of course, you won't be able to use the mutating methods of the NSMutableString without a runtime error just because you assign the address of @"bar" (an NSString instance) to a variable of type NSMutableString*. If you want to mutate the string, you would do

NSMutableString *mutableFoo = [@"bar" mutableCopy];

In this case, a copy is obviously made and you are responsible for releasing mutableFoo when you're done with it.

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