Objective-c – Return to app behavior after phone call different in native code than UIWebView

iphoneobjective cuiwebview

According to Apple's documentation, in order to make phone call from my app, I need to implement the following protocols:

HTML link:

<a href="tel:1-408-555-5555">1-408-555-5555</a>

Native application URL string:


However, upon completion of a phone call initiated from an HTML link inside a UIWebView, I am redirected right back to my application. But upon completion of a phone call made from a native application URL string, my iphone stays in the iphone's regular phone application, and if I want to return to my application I have to do so manually.

As far as I can tell from reading what others have said, there is no way to change this behavior.

Here is my question:

  1. Is it true that it's impossible
    to return to an application after
    making a phone call from a native
    application URL string?
  2. Would there be any downside to
    implementing a UIWebView instead of
    a UILabel in situations where I
    really wanted the user to be
    redirected back to my application
    after completing a phone call?

Best Answer

The simplest way seems to be:

[[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@"telprompt:0123456789"]];

You will get a prompt and your app will regain focus after the call is finished.

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