Objective-c – Show and hide Navigation bar on tableView Scrolling

ios7objective cuinavigationbaruitableview

Show and hide navigationbar while tableview scrolling,initially navigationbar is hidden.Tableview contains only one section header, when we scroll upwards the section header reaches to top but as we scroll slightly downwards status bar and navigationbar are shown animatedly pulling section header down but as the section header scrolls down navigationbar and statusbar hides.I want to achieve this scenario. I'm trying to achieve this but as navigation bar is hidden initially and bring navigation bar creates a jerking effect and same when hiding the navigationbar. Please help me out in this.

Best Answer

You are describing a solution similar to what Facebook, Instagram and Chrome has, with an exception that you say that Navigation Bar should be initially hidden.

This thread has a couple of solutions for Facebook style Navigation Bar and even a link to a control. It still might be what you're after.

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