Objective-c – What’s the difference between “bundle display name” and “bundle name” in cocoa application’s info plist

cocoaiphonemacosobjective c

Here is a good question:

Bundle Name, Executable Name, Product Name…anything else?

but I just wonder about the difference between "bundle display name" and "bundle name" in cocoa application's info plist.

Best Answer

I don't think any of the other answers concisely answers the question.

  • CFBundleDisplayName - displayed: below icon. According to docs, should be localized, but only if the app itself is localized, otherwise there will be some kind of penalty (if this is true in reality I cannot say)

  • CFBundleName - displayed: I have no idea. Docs suggest that it will be used in lists thus recommended max 16 characters, but for instance the Settings→General→Usage list of apps uses CFBundleDisplayName really. To date I have never figured out where exactly this one is used.

Oh, this is for iOS apps, can't speak for other OSes.