Opencv – C++ 98 and threading


I am working with OpenCV, an open source image processing library, and due to complexities in my algorithm I need to use multiple threads for video processing.

How multi-threading is done on C++ 98? I know about C++ 11 has a built in support library for threading (std::thread) but my platform (MSVC++ 2010) does not have that. Also I read about Boost library, which is a general purpose extension to C++ STL, has methods for multi-threading. I also know with MSDN support (windows.h) I can create and manage threads for Windows applications. Finally, I found out that Qt library, a cross platform GUI solution, has support for threading.

Is there a naive way (not having any 3rd party libraries) to create a cross-platform multi-threading application?

Best Answer

C++98 does not have any support for threading, neither in the language nor the standard library. You need to use a third party library and you have already listed a number of the main candidates.